Sunday, March 1, 2009

Deja Vu

When I was a little girl, many a Saturday night was spent watching Donnie and Marie or Little House on the Praire while my mom put spongies (curlers) in our hair for church the next day. Last night I found myself putting spongies in Bev's hair while watching Little House. We have been tivoing it for a few weeks and the kids love it. Mike and I like it too. Part of my joy comes in watching my kids--all four of them--enjoy something I liked as a kid. They laugh hysterically at parts, they get teary-eyed at parts. It is just a darned good show. With all the crap on tv it is great to be able to watch something uplifting together.

Since watching it again, I had this revelation--I think Pa Ingalls is a bit of a hottie, and I think, back in the day, my mom thought so too. So, last weekend I asked her. She confirmed what I suspected, but then informed me that Michael Landon had some issues in his personal life. I still love Pa--he's a hunk, he's wise and funny. He is a hero.


mel said...

My kids love Little House too. Here it is on PBS and we love it. Yes, Pa is a hunk and quite a guy. I also told my kids that aunt mimi used to look a little bit like Nellie Olson after mom put spongie curlers in her hair. They thought that was great. Camille was much nicer that Nellie!

Julie Jones said...

My kids used to watch it too. I miss the days when you only had 5 channels and more than not you would turn the tv off and play games. I wish they would bring back "Land of the Lost", I can't wait for the movie to come out.

CJ said...

I'm not sure I would like to go back to just 5 channels (I like sports too much), but more down time would definitely be a good idea. I think Little House was definitely one of the best.

Janna said...

I'm glad that you have found a way to be able to make memories while watching TV. I end up leaving the room or doing something else when my kids are watching TV. I loved Little House too and think I will start recording them to see if my kids like it too, thanks for the idea.
Your daughters hair was so cute yesterday. I wanted to catch up with you at church and tell you that, but didn't. But I need to confess I spent most of the meeting looking at her cute hair and wondering how you did it.... now I know.

Unknown said...

It was fun to see the picture of Christian riding his new green bicycle. Just what he wanted for his much anticipated 5th birthday.
Wish they would make more TV shows like the old good ones. There are way to many bad ones.

Brittany said...

We love it too, and of course The Brady Bunch. Good times:)