Monday, April 12, 2010

My name is Alisa and I am a list-maker.

I am a list-maker. I have been one for as long as I can remember. I had a mission companion who said that I had a list-making illness. Um, yah, it's called OCD. (I know OCD is real--mine is a self-diagnosed, mild case that only affects certain areas of my life.)

Through college I had my beloved Franklin planner. I couldn't live without it. Then, I used something similar when I worked. After I quit working (for a salary) I had a hard time remembering appointments and grocery lists and things I needed to to. I have a huge calendar in the kitchen and I have notebooks for my lists everywhere--the car, my purse, the kitchen, my bedside table, by the computer.

Making lists helps me remember what I need to do, but there is a deeper reason I like lists. I like, no, I love crossing off the things I have accomplished. I know this is sick, but I will even add things that I did that weren't on the list--just so I can cross them off.

Anyhoo, last night I made the dreaded "spring cleaning and projects" list. It is long. I will not accomplish everything on that list in the next few weeks. But, I will try. My goal is to knock out at least one thing everyday.

I am also dejunking as I go. We have only lived in this house for 1.5 years and already we have junk.

I read this quote several years ago. It is my goal for home organization and decorating.

"Have nothing in your homes that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful."
William Morris

I know Mike is probably snickering to himself right now because he knows my dirty little secrets. He knows that I have a junk drawer in almost every room. He knows that I like to hold onto stuff. (Hey, the day I get rid of the forest green with leather cording cowgirl dress will be the day I need it.) Like I said--it is my goal.

I have to really kick it in gear. The day is half over and I have not checked off an item, and I really want to check off an item.


Unknown said...

I can relate. I love lists and also add things that I have already accomplished to the list just so I feel...well...more accomplished. LOL. I have one "junk" drawer that I fight to keep organized and my OCD'ness (also self diagnosed, although not debated by anyone) for tidyness has been known to cause some anxiety. Ugghhh.

CJ said...

Lists!!!! I keep trying, but they seem to get too darned long. Maybe I dislike them so much because they are a necessity at work. I need to get with the program like you do. A little OCD never hurts anyone.

Anonymous said...

I smiled as I read this post. My list sitting downstairs going unchecked as I read blogs. :)Best way to get things done is make a list.