Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Break 2010

What a weekend. It was busy and fun and I am still recovering. I love having my kids home, but I have to admit that I was happy to have the weekend come to an end.

Our fun began with three little visitors. When Mike gave Jack the chicks, we offered to chicksit (say that carefully) when the family went out of town. Bev insisted that they stay in her room. The cute little darlings were a little smelly, so Bev did not stay in her room. We also had to make sure and keep the door closed because of this little darling:

She really liked watching them. She would just sit and stare at them. Then, when we left the room, she hopped on top of the cage. I do think they would have gotten along famously--if we had given them the opportunity. I was not, however, willing to chance it. I did not want any "accidents." I am sure Tiger would have been most appropriate, but I really didn't want to have to give Jack some sort of bad news. That was my goal all weekend--keep those chicks alive.

We played a lot of Wii and Guitar Hero. We read a little. We stayed home where it was warm. Mike and I had our mission reunion. We watched Conference.

We went to the neighborhood egg hunt.

Christian had his last indoor soccer game. They were not victorious, but he did get a cool cup trophy--a cup trophy that he really wants to drink out of.

We had the annual egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa's. Ryan and Erika hid the eggs and the kids gathered the goods.

Sunday, the kids got their baskets and their marshmallow eggs. After three egg hunts, there was too much candy in the house--so it went bye bye.

We saw the Dragon movie. It was great! One of the first lines in the movie was something like, "We are vikings...we have stubborn issues." I relate to that quote.

Seriously, one great movie.

So, now we are back to reality--busy, hectic reality.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Easter is such a special day. Glad you had a good one. Conference was wonderful!!