Sunday, February 26, 2012


Today I am feeling so lucky and blessed and grateful.

Yesterday Mike took Beverly and Christian ice fishing at his friend's property up East Canyon by Jeremy Ranch. I stayed back to take Drew to his basketball game, and be with Jessi who doesn't like the cold, because, as she reminds us, she is from Africa.

I got the call after it was all over. Mike and the kids had fun fishing with his friend and his little girl. Mike left first, and as he was driving off the property, on a dirt road, he hit a patch of ice beneath the snow. He did a 360 and then the back of the truck slipped off the road, sliding down a cliff. The front wheels grabbed onto the road and stopped slipping. The truck stopped at an angle.

As Mike was on the phone with 911, he looked in the back seat and saw Christian with his arms folded and his eyes closed, mouthing a prayer. Bev then started praying.

The police sent a tow truck. In the meantime, Mike had the kids watch a movie, and sit very still. They waited for about 30 minutes. When the tow truck arrived, the kids got out and sat in the friend's truck while the truck got pulled off the cliff.

At one point, Christian told Mike, "we should not tell Mom about this."

I asked Mike what he was thinking as it was happening. He said that he thought that 'this is it.' I said, "What do you mean, 'this is it.'" He explained that he thought for a moment that they "were gonners." He was especially upset that the kids were with him, that they were in danger.

Bev said that she was "really, really scared." So was Christian. He said that he was thinking, "go to your happy place, go to your happy place."

I am remembering how fast it can all be over and how grateful I am that it is not all over for them. I am hugging them all a little tighter today.


gwen2139 said...

I'm so thankful that God watches over our family at all times. I have tears in my eyes just thinking of what the outcome could have been.
What a terrible experience for all of them. Thank goodness the kids have been taught to pray.

Rob said...

Man, my heart stopped for a second. So scary and so glad that Heavenly Father listens to prayer. Wow, I cannot imagine the image that in engraved in their minds from this experience. May you all take it easy the next couple of days and stay close. -Diedre

Courts said...

This made me cry! I'm so glad you and Mike have raised kids that know to always pray for help. Our family IS blessed.

CJ said...

My heart is still racing. Our lives can change so quickly. I'm so thankful that all of you are okay and were most certainly looked over in your time of need.

Erika Huff said...

Oh boy! What a close call. We are so glad everyone is okay. Thank goodness for prayers.