Monday, June 25, 2012

looking out my window...

I was working at the computer (I was actually on Pinterest, but "working" sounds better) when I noticed our cat Tiger stalking around the backyard.  I moved over a little and saw that she was stalking a deer.  I grabbed my camera and took this picture between the shutters.  She was eating some weeds and grass in the field right outside our yard.

I went outside and walked closer.  I got really pretty close.  She just watched me.  I stopped and then she turned and walked away.

I love living next to the big field.  We see all kinds of birds, foxes and now a deer.

Our yard is fenced on all sides but this one.  Mike wants a fence and I don't.  We do get a lot of weeds from the field, but I love being able to see the kids play out in the field, and see all the critters there.  After today, I want a fence even less than I did before.

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