Thursday, June 26, 2014

week 24

I really do have good kids. They are normal kids and sometimes bicker, but then there are plenty of these moments when they are all playing, happily together.  I am a lucky mom.

Monday, I felt like an airport shuttle service.  I picked up my parents from a three-week trip to China and then later took Mike for his trip to Alaska.

Some pics from Mike's phone from his trip:

He stayed part of the time with his brother Ben, who lives there, and part of the time with our brother-in-law Doug, who was there working/fishing.

Mike and Ben

Mike and Doug.

Doug's aunt and uncle let them stay there part of the time, and prepare the fish to be frozen and sent home.

He never does things like that by himself, so I was happy he did.  I was also happy to have him come home.

I went with Jessi on her field trip to Tracy Aviary.  It was a beautiful day, and the bus ride was loud.

Following the field trip, I stopped by my local Maverik for a Diet Pepsi.  I was apparently so worn out that I did a bad parking job--I just pulled in and then didn't have the energy to repack.  I snapped a pic to send to Mike.  While he was gone we communicated via pics and texts.

Pack meeting was a water fight. One kid kept squirting me and other parents.  Christian noticed and told me that he was going to avenge me.  He then doused the kid with his super water gun.

Bev came to help me with field day.  Since being out of school she has helped me so much in my upcoming new role as PTA president.  She is my little PTA president-in-training.

Our "usie" (Christian's word for a selfie with more than one person) that we sent to Mike one night.  While he was gone, Bev slept with me.  Most nights the rest of the gang joined us too.

Christian is doing his fourth grade county report on Box Elder County, so we took a road trip there.  We stopped in Brigham City and had lunch at Peach City.

We saw two museums and the County Courthouse.

Then we drove, to the middle of nowhere, to find Promontory Summit and the site of the Golden Spike.  But…I failed to check my gas until we were well on our way. I really think we could have made it, but I didn't want to risk it.  I called and found some really nice people at a gas station to bring us some gas.  Really. Nice. People.  We pulled into the site just a few minutes before four, when the trains would move.

We learned all about the Wedding of the Rails and got to see the replica Jupiter and the 119 on the rails.

We stopped for more gas and in a moment of weakness I let the kids pick out anything they wanted.  This was the most interesting pick.

Pretending we are in Hawaii and having some shaved ice.

Father's Day, and Mike was coming home.  Bev made breakfast while I went to the airport.

Saturday Drew went with his water polo team to Seven Peaks.  He forgot my instructions to apply sunscreen.  He was there for eight hours.  He has been absolutely miserable.  It is the worst sunburn I have seen.

Mike making room for the salmon he brought home.

Christian bought himself a tie pin of the Golden Spike trains and a pocket watch.  He sported them both for church.

One of Mike's Father's Day gifts was us getting the yard completely done.  I love dirt. I don't love what it does to my fingernails.  Yes, I own gloves, but I always fail to use them.

I always let the kids pick the melons--I don't know the secret and they seem to do well.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Sounds like a great trip for Mike. How many fish did they catch? Looks like a lot! So glad you guys are doing well. You will make a fabulous PTA pres. Have a super fun fourth! We plan on doing the same. _Diedre