Saturday, December 5, 2009

I will continue posting about cats

I have been ridiculed as the "crazy cat lady." I have been teased for seriously loving our precious baby cat tigy wigy (said in a high-pitched baby voice.) I have been told that my home is now contaminated with cat germs. But, I too was a hater. I didn't feel the love until recently.

All I have to say is that if you don't think this is seriously cute, you need to do some soul-searching cause you probably don't have one. (Kidding...kind of.)

1 comment:

CJ said...

A home is not a home without being "contaminated" with pet germs. Although I am a dog person, I can appreciate the love of a pet whether it is a hamster, rabbit, ferret, dog, or yes, even a cat. They love unconditionally, make you laugh, help soothe you when you are ill, and calm you down when the rest of the world is frustrating you.