Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Family Home Videos

Mike bought our first camcorder before we were married. We have loved capturing little tidbits of life, vacations and school programs. We have been nursing along our second camcorder, but it died a few weeks ago. We have missed capturing so many things and I didn't want to part with the money (especially this time of the year) but we just had to. I can't believe how tiny camcorders are now.

While the kids were off track, Mike hooked up our old camcorder to the DVD burner and each night we watched memories while burning a DVD. Ohh, my babies. My tiny brand new babies.

We have seen Andrew, Beverly and, just yesterday, Christian. Poor Jessi keeps asking when she will make her appearance.

I can't tear my eyes away from watching these videos. I have also had some revelations while watching. I will share a few.

I realized that I do, in fact, have a Utah accent.

I talk baby talk to babies and toddlers and animals of any age.

I have always loved animals. When we were trying to get Andrew, and it was taking a long time, I got a bunny at the state fair. At various times over the years we have also had a hamster, several frogs, a box turtle and Freddy the Lab.

Wow, that pregnancy weight is a "witch."

How did I survive? Andrew was four, Bev was not quite three when we had Christian. I remember one day calling Mike and telling him that he needed to come home from work because I wasn't coping (I won't get descriptive, but I was having "nursing difficulties" while parenting two needy toddlers.) Loved those days and glad they are over.

I used to make cute birthday cakes--cakes that took hours to frost. After Christian was born they were all purchased at Costco. The last couple of years I have made them, but they are not what they once were.

I loved my babies and kids sleeping in my bed. Mike tolerated it because I just loved it.

Andrew talked non-stop.

Beverly has always seemed like an old soul.

Christian didn't want to talk at all--he didn't really have too with all of us predicting his needs and understanding his grunts.

I've got to remember to live in the moment and enjoy them--they grow up so fast.


gwen2139 said...

It's neat that you are capturing all those things. Memories are worth millions.


it's so funny what we think we'll always remember...and then forget. It's awesome that you guys have so many recorded memories so the emotions and experiences can come flooding back!