Several times a week Mike stops at the local farm stand on his way home from work and brings us home something fresh. The usual is watermelon and corn. But I always encourage him to live dangerously and surprise me. I don't know what we will do when the farm stands go away. But, hey, we can grill year-round. (By we I mean Mike.) He'll go out there in the rain, snow, whatever. Anything for some good grillin'.
That reminds me of a funny t-shirt I saw once. It said, "Meat is murder--tasty, tasty murder."
That hot dog looks darn tasty. I know they put a lot of crap in them, but I still like them.
The saying on that shirt was funny. My favorite t-shirt is the one we saw in Mexico that said,
To Do List:
I'm glad Mike enjoys grilling. My kind of favorite food too -- anything grilled. Peaches grill up beautifully. Just looking at the picture made my mouth water.
All to do lists begin with Mom. Well most of them any way.
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