I have so many pictures from our 24th celebration I decided to condense them. I will do something fun with them for the scrapbook, but for now...

My mom is such a good sport. She always sleeps out with all 9 grandkids on the trampoline after the movie. This year a campaign began among some of the children--two of mine included--to sleep inside the house. I told them sleeping out was great (I'm not about to disrupt tradition) so I enthusiastically joined them.
I have in my memory a few horrible night's sleeps. There is now one more added to that list. I kept waking up to scoot back toward the outer edges of the tramp, looking at the sky, wishing for sunrise. It was one of those nights where I was actually awake more than I was asleep. Finally at 4 am I was all, "to heck with this." (Cleaning up verbage for posterity sakes.) And I went inside.
Next we all went to the parade. We go every year. I think I have only missed one--the one when I was on my mission.

The kids run after candy, play with cap guns, wave at princesses and get sprayed with water guns. I love the bag pipes, the huge Icelandic flag and all the vintage cars.
A few thoughts I had during the parade.
I love my hometown.
I get choked up when I stand for the flag.
Seeing the 20-year reunion float, I realized that in 2 years that is me--yikes.
I loved seeing my grandparents there--every year I am so glad that they are still there.
I have really bad feelings towards/about a few Utah County politicians.
I love my heritage and I need to do better at teaching my children theirs.
I still have a thing for cowboys.

Every year Grandma B buys tickets for her whole family to the Fiesta Days Rodeo. This year it was 40 people. We always sit in the same section. For as long as I can remember going to the rodeo, I remember having conflicting feelings about it. I particularly dislike the calf-roping competition. I find that I am often silently cheering for the animal. It's not the first time I have done it, but this year a calf escaped out of the gate and ran past us and I cheered for him--out loud. I have a thing for cows too.
The kids love their cowboy attire.

It was really windy, so I didn't get many pictures.

During the rodeo Mike pointed out that Jessica had a look on her face that says, "I just don't get it." She did like seeing the cowgirls with sparkly outfits, but overall I don't think she's a rodeo fan. The other three enjoy it. Every year Christian begs to do the Mutton Bustin--I just might let him--I don't necessarily have any tender feelings for sheep.
WE also love the rodeo! It is one of Caleb's birthday traditions that we go to the rodeo. It is down right fun to stomp your feet and cheer really loudly! -Diedre
What a fantastic 24th family tradition. It looks like you all had a great time even if Jessica isn't really into the rodeo. The kids look great all decked out in their western attire.
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