Monday, August 15, 2011

dapper little man . . .

Two years ago, Christian got his first suit for my brother's wedding, and he loved wearing it. I snapped this picture of how he hung it in his closet.

The whole suit is put perfectly together with the tie on and the buttons done up. Also, the church socks were placed in the suit coat pockets.

Well, over the last 6 months he has grown out of the suit. But, he insisted on wearing it. A few weeks ago I made the suit disappear. Every Sunday morning, he complained about the polo shirts and shorts and cords I had for him to wear. All he wanted was his suit.

So, we got him one that fits. My boy is such a little man--wearing suits, tying his own ties.

While taking his picture, he said, 'Can I go in the flowers?" I told him, "Sure," thinking he meant take a picture in the flowers. He meant "go" in the flowers.

My little man is such a boy.


Amanda said...

LOL-So funny- especially since your bathroom is a whole ten steps away. He is a darling little boy!

CJ said...

Isn't it fun learninng "man/boy" talk. A whole different language that can really trip you up. He looked great in his new suit on Sunday.