Three things Christian says:
1. The kids had a sleep-over at Aunt Mimi's. Before they left, I had the "good behavior talk," where I encouraged them to be good, be grateful and be helpers. Christian came up to me after the talk and said, "Don't worry Mom--I will be Nephi."
Mike has taught Christian that he can be like Nephi and be an example to his older brother and sister. Whenever Mike sees him behave as an example he will say something like, "Good job, Nephi." Christian eats it up.
2. Christian also loves being Grandpa Peel's namesake (his middle name is Earl, after Grandpa.) Whenever we say we are going to go visit them he says, "We're going up to my namesake's house."
3. My kids love talking about the people they are named after. It has, at times, taken on a competitive tone. They all have first and middle names that are family names. Andrew Michael will talk about being named after Dad's little brother Joey, whose middle name is Andrew, and Dad. Beverly Gwen will then attempt to top him, being named after our grandmothers. Then Jessi pipes up, saying that she has two middle names (Hannah--my mom's aunt, and Patience--her birthmother.) Then Christian will say that he is named after Dad's best pal, Grandpa Peel and finish it off by reminding us all that he is also named after Jesus Christ. Everyone is sort of quiet after that--you can't really beat that one.