Monday, April 11, 2011

youtube parenting

Every kid has his or her currency. Jessica earns youtube-viewing privileges . She loves watching Michael Jackson, Justin Bieber, Jaden Smith and funny cat videos. We try limiting her pop-culture exposure, because it can get a bit much. The hair and makeup and dance moves. The songs about romance and the rock stars and the crotch-grabbing. I want to protect her and keep her little, but she is way too interested in it all.

So, I am trying to find some new stuff to interest her. We had success with this one. We watch it a lot lately and she loves it (I do too.)

So, when you give a pig a pancake, she's gonna want a little Michael Jackson to go with it.

She also recently added Steven Tyler to her "rockstars I like" list. (She learned about him on Idol.) I let her watch this one once. I couldn't understand the lyrics to "Walk This Way," so I googled them. Yeah, I will be watching this one alone--in the privacy of my craft room. That Steven Tyler is sort of yucky and interesting at the same time.


Julie Jones said...

I have never heard a Michael Jackson song played with cellos. Amazing, I loved it! I love that Jessica too!

Camille said...

Did you call Jessi a pig? Haha. Too cute, that girl.