Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Surviving the Winter

I don't really make New Year's resolutions. I make a big long list of possible resolutions and I make some effort at making positive changes. I have, for instance, become re-aquainted with my elliptical. But, the reality is that I really struggle in January and February.

Maybe it's the weather, the lack of sun. Maybe it's the whole post-holiday let down. Maybe it's that we are back to the grind of reality.

Last year I realized that doing some projects helped me get through these blah months.

So, as I was sitting in Sacrament meeting on January 2nd, I started my survival list of projects for January and February. Yes, it is long and yes, it is probably unrealistic to believe that I will complete every item, but I am energized at the thought of trying.

I decided to post the list, and report back on my progress.

1. Do Andrew's birthday interview (never did his. birthday was last August.)
2. Write and send Jessica's adoption update.
3. Burn all of the home movies on DVD.
4. Make streamers for Christian's teacher for Chinese New Year.
5. Sell the laptop.
6. Organize my digital pictures and videos.
7. Find out how to wash all of the down pillows in the house and do it.
8. Finish the girls room--bulletin boards, hang pictures and hang Bev's wind chime collection.
9. Finish Christian's room--bookcase, hang stuff on walls.
10. Make Christian a holder for his karate belts.
11. Finish end of year scrapbook pages for the kids.
12. Make scripture bags for Jessica and Christian.
13. Finish special project for Mike and kids for Valentine's.
14. Complete the big wall collage I have been planning for a long time in the family room.
15. Sew curtains for family room and french doors.
16. Frame new print. (Mike got me one of my favorite prints for Christmas.)
17. Install speakers in bedrooms. (Mike's project.)
18. Put an outlet in the pantry for the handvac. (Mike's project.)
19. De-junk and organize all of our closets.
20. Put in towel hooks for the kids towels.
21. Sign up for and start a photography class.
22. Organize pile of junk for filing cabinet.


Amanda said...

Those would be my projects for two years- That's one thing that I admire about you- you are a go-getter for sure. In fact I know you will most certainly be able to complete nearly all of these as planned. To help you get started check out this site:
Good Luck!

CJ said...

It made me tired just reading your list; however, I agree with Amanda, you will probably get most if not all of them done. I probably need to post my list to force myself to do them. It has been a long, long couple of months for me and I need to get more positive too. Good Luck!