Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Eve

On New Year's Eve 35 years ago, Mike was born. I always worry that we don't appropriately celebrate his birthday because we are too busy celebrating New Year's. We will be making that up to him over the next few days.

Our New Year's Eve started with cousins visiting and cleaning the house. Mike came home and spelled me off while Bev and I took the cat to her first vet appointment. Mike is not thrilled with the expenses associated with the newest member of the family, but a healthy cat is a happy cat. We have to get her shots so that we can get her "fixed" before she hits that special time when kitties want special time with other kitties resulting in more kitties.

Mike was also not thrilled that the nurse and vet told me that a great way to deal with bad cat behavior (which she does not have too much of) is to get him or her a friend. Seriously, I only want one more. Then I will stop. Kidding--there are no plans to get Tiger a friend. I should say that there are no plans that I have verbalized in getting Tiger a friend.

So we had our annual New Year's Eve party with the gang. Good friends who know how to make good food and provide good entertainment. It was a great time. I forgot to take pictures (I was laughing too much to remember to get the camera out) so I took one this morning of the drink area. (Notice one of my favorite Christmas gifts in the background--a sign that reads, "My cat is not spoiled...I am just well-trained."

Andrew and Bev went to my parent's house. Christian and Jessi spent the night with Katie and Courtney. The kids don't do friend sleepovers, so going to Grandma's or to the sweet cousin's is a special event. Mike and I slept in. It was heaven. The house is NEVER that quiet. I loved it, but I was happy to know that the noise and chaos of the rascals would return later that day.

Now I have some resolutions to consider--I am extending the holidays until Monday. That is when my New Year will officially begin, and with it will come the beginning of the "healthy eating and exercise plan." Not looking forward to the return to real life--I much prefer living in the fantasy world that is the holidays.

1 comment:

CJ said...

What a wonderful way to spend New Year's Eve. I loved having a good excuse to stay home on new Year's Eve all those years -- well until Mike got too old to want to stay home on New Year's. Then the excuse was waiting for kids to get home.