Warning for all the cat-haters out there--this post is all about our kitty. Yep, it is true--another post about Tiger.
I was perusing the kitty product aisle at my local Target when I saw the most adorable pumpkin costume for Tiger. We (meaning the kids and I) had a great time trying to get her into it. Mike thought it was ridiculous.
That $5 costume provided some serious entertainment.
I usually consider myself among the cat-haters, but Tiger does look very sweet. It looks like you are enjoying her. Hopefully your furniture is surviving too.
I need a support group. CHA (cat-haters anonymous) you put such pressure on me. But, in the end I must vote with Mike on this one. Ridiculous. I'm glad you love your kitty. I always say, pets are for those people who can love them.
See, look what a good idea this cat was. The kids love it, although I don't think they love it as much as Alisa does?? and it is bringing Camille and I closer together :)
I will say this, Alisa is bothered because I just haven't "bonded" with it (kind of like my own kids when they were born), but it hasn't been any trouble yet.
Never liked cats, even Ross' aunt's cat that was actually pretty sweet, but you may convince me. Liz would go along with the costume thing considering what she has put on her dogs.
I usually consider myself among the cat-haters, but Tiger does look very sweet. It looks like you are enjoying her. Hopefully your furniture is surviving too.
I need a support group. CHA (cat-haters anonymous) you put such pressure on me. But, in the end I must vote with Mike on this one. Ridiculous. I'm glad you love your kitty. I always say, pets are for those people who can love them.
See, look what a good idea this cat was. The kids love it, although I don't think they love it as much as Alisa does?? and it is bringing Camille and I closer together :)
I will say this, Alisa is bothered because I just haven't "bonded" with it (kind of like my own kids when they were born), but it hasn't been any trouble yet.
Never liked cats, even Ross' aunt's cat that was actually pretty sweet, but you may convince me. Liz would go along with the costume thing considering what she has put on her dogs.
I still can't believe you guys have a cat! I just love the little costumes they come out with for animals. Pam has had her fill of them!
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