I also like sharing bits and pieces of our lives with friends and family. So here goes...
Day 9
I just crave mornings like this. I got up and got A & B off to school. C slept in. I did a load of laundry (laundry rules my life) and then read J a book. Had breakfast at 10 a.m. The kids played with stickers while I read the news online (notice they actually have space on the table to work on.) Then watched A Christmas Story--again. Had ham sandwiches and hot chocolate for lunch. I went through some medical bills while watching Law and Order on TNT while C & J played good guy/bad guy with his transformer and her princess doll. It was a morning made in heaven.
Mike had some friends over to watch the BCS game. I had these red and green white chocolate chips left from Christmas, so I made some chocolate chip cookies.
Craft room organization. I will show more pictures later, but I am almost done organizing it--one junk box to go. They are not the prettiest things, but I just love these plastic totes. I like being able to see what's inside them. I have assessed that my organizational style for my craft room has to be open organization. That means that it looks a little more junky, but will be more functional for me. I tried closed storage a while ago, and I just didn't like it.
The kids went back to school on Monday. I didn't want it the Christmas break to come to an end. For the most part, I really like them being at home and I miss them a lot when they are at school. Also, the babies miss Bev a lot when she is at school. Chrisian asked when Bev was going to be home several times the first day back. Here Andrew is enjoying his breakfast of champions--Marshmallow Mateys--with his Legos magazine and the remote control.
Day 5
Putting my little laborers to work on the baseboards. When there are lots of chores to do Andrew and Bev still like to call me Miss Hannigan.
Our upstairs furnace has been broken. Jessie and Kiki were playing upstairs. I was doing laundry. She came to me and asked for hot chocolate and the fireplace--sad, huh? She sat in front of the fireplace for quite a while. (Notice Hello Kitty there too.)
Jessie is such a skinny minnie. She has a lot of stretch pants, but needed a pair of jeans. Thank goodness my two favorite stores for kids clothes (Target and Osh Kosh) have pants with adjustable waistbands.
I am in denial about December being over. I normally cannot wait to get the trees down and get things cleaned up. This year, however, I didn't want it to come down. I did want the kids to help, so we finally took the tree down on January 2.
I'm glad Bev is enjoying her easel. Thank you so much for the suggestion although I should have picked up on it from her teaching moments.
Part 2
Your craft room is really looking like, well, a craft room and that's what it is all about. Enjoy every moment with the kids. Memories are forever and sometimes the only thing that gets you through the bad times. Love you.
I know how you felt when the kids went back to school.
Loved your thoughts and pictures.
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