Funny Andrew Anecdote: Every night after the pool, we came back to the room and the kids watched t.v. The only things on that they were interested in were The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and America's Funniest Videos. While at lunch yesterday Andrew said that he really wanted us to all go to AFV so that we could be in the audience and vote on the winner. We said that would be fun. Then he said, "No, let's wait until I have a girlfriend--that would be a really cool date." Followed by, "Actually, that would be a cool place to go on my honeymoon." He is just like his father--likes to plan way ahead, and is so romantic.
Seriously though, I do have me a good man. Mike had a fun weekend with the little ones. Every time I called they were off doing something fun. They went to the Jordan Parkway on a bike ride, to the Jazz game, had Courtney sleep over, went to eat with Sean and Julie, visited Grandma and Grandpa Peel. Now it's back to them being home with what probably seems like "Boring Mom."
Thats cute:) Your kids crack me up!! And I'm sure Mike is very happy to have you home.
So fun!! Brynn is looking at this with me and says she wants to go to Disneyland too!! I want to go too!!
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