Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Simple Gratitude
It is the little things like this that make me so happy to be right where I am, doing what I am doing. So for those of you who wipe bums (either figuratively or literally) in your job everyday, I hope, every once in a while, that someone gives you a little gratitude like I got today.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Birthday Girl
We are into unusual cakes. Bev wanted ice cream sandwiches for her birthday, so I just piled them up and we put sprinkles on top. We did this for both parties. The kids seemed to love it.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
We have a Black Belt in the house!
Thanks to all who came to support him--Claudia, Julie, Tyler, Katie, Mom, Dad and Ryan. It meant the world to him to have you all there.
Bev doing her board break. She earned her Second Degree Brown Belt.
Christian earned his Second Degree Yellow Belt and got his Cheetah patch.
Taekwondo has been such a great thing for the kids. Not that we have perfected these things, but it helps teach them respect, teamwork, endurance, work, focus, patience.
So Proud!
I told the kids that we can now call her Dr. Huff. Christian got a little concerned and asked if she was going to give us our shots.
Andrew got mad that he had to wear "fancy clothes." Um, pal, that is a polo shirt. If that is fancy then we have become more casual than I thought we had.
It was fun being on campus again. Andrew really likes BYU and says he wants to go there. Even though I went to school there, we are a non-partisan family when it comes to universities. My parents both graduated from the Y. All of my siblings have gone there. My youngest sister, Natalie, is studying there now. Three of us have graduated from BYU. Then there is Camille. She started at the Y and then, as she tells it, saw the light and transferred to the U.
My mom has been the best example to me. She worked really hard, and I am so happy she accomplished this goal. We are proud of Ryan too. He is a smart one (and really cute and single too.)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Last night Andrew and I were snuggling before bed and talking about the "Savior of the World" play we did a few weeks ago. We were discussing Jesus and how he was the only perfect person to live on earth. Andrew replied, "Well, him and Benjamin Franklin--that guy invented electricity."
Somebody asked me why my blog is titled Just Another Fine Day in Paradise. I should have explained it at the beginning. This statement has been a very familiar response I get to the question to Mike, "How was your day?" He responds, "Just another fine day in paradise."
I am running off to Sears to buy a serger. I have some headbands to make and it is getting really tedious without a serger. I don't sew a lot, but when I do having a serger will be FABULOUS.
Sorry, no pics today.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Hair Disaster
I tried different hair comb-over options, none of which will work. I think my only option is to get a bunch of those thick headbands (they need to be really thick) that tie in the back at the neck. I got one at Target and they don't come in great colors for tiny-sized girl rascals, so I will be heading to the fabric store and sewing some.
She really likes scissors, and she really likes sneaking things under her covers in her bed to play with at naptime. I did the usual bed check, but she got up to potty and must have gotten the scissors at that time. I went in to find that she had given one of Bev's Cabbage Patch babies a serious mohawk. I didn't even notice her hair until she woke up and I went to do it and well, wow! Her hair grows really slowly, so this will be a long process. She will be wearing headbands for quite a while. Ah, the joys of motherhood!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Wonderful, Exhausted
Funny Andrew Anecdote: Every night after the pool, we came back to the room and the kids watched t.v. The only things on that they were interested in were The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and America's Funniest Videos. While at lunch yesterday Andrew said that he really wanted us to all go to AFV so that we could be in the audience and vote on the winner. We said that would be fun. Then he said, "No, let's wait until I have a girlfriend--that would be a really cool date." Followed by, "Actually, that would be a cool place to go on my honeymoon." He is just like his father--likes to plan way ahead, and is so romantic.
Seriously though, I do have me a good man. Mike had a fun weekend with the little ones. Every time I called they were off doing something fun. They went to the Jordan Parkway on a bike ride, to the Jazz game, had Courtney sleep over, went to eat with Sean and Julie, visited Grandma and Grandpa Peel. Now it's back to them being home with what probably seems like "Boring Mom."
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
More Moab
Delicate Arch in the background.
Looking out North Window.
More in the sand at Sand Dune Arch--this is my favorite picture of the trip.
When we got to Vernal, Mike discovered that Christian's carseat had not been strapped to the seat of the car after it had been taken out and cleaned of sand. He strapped it back in and we were all discussing how lucky we were that we had not been in an accident when Christian said, "If I died I would miss you Mom." I just told him that I would miss him too and then I turned around and wiped the tears out of my eyes.
Aside from the carseat incident, a great time was had by all. Now I am back to reality--laundry, cleaning, and Mike and I are finishing the bathroom in the basement. I have a lot to do before Wednesday. I am taking Bev and Andrew to California--her dance group is performing at Disneyland. This will be a first for us. Normally we all go on vacation together, but I am actually looking forward to spending time with the two of them.