My kids just adore their new cousin, Baby Max. They will just sit around and stare at him. Andrew had his hands washed and waited for his opportunity to hold him.
Andrew and Ben enjoyed a little Guitar Hero.
My kids just adore their new cousin, Baby Max. They will just sit around and stare at him. Andrew had his hands washed and waited for his opportunity to hold him.
Andrew and Ben enjoyed a little Guitar Hero.
Boondocks (or as Andrew and Bev called it when they were little, Boondogs.)
Andrew, Bev and Jack finished up Bright Ideas summer camp.
Sleepout on the trampoline at Grandma's.
Boating at Yuba.
Kiki, Bev, Alisa and Jess.
Natural History Museum.
Fiesta Days Rodeo and parade.
A good time was had by all and we will miss them when they go home.
When we got in the car, she held her book (now called her Africa Book.) This is the book I made her about us. She had it for several months while in the orphanage. It was her only possession, and she was very attached to it. She still is.
After finally getting on the airplane in Liberia (a long story for another day) and landing in Ghana, we were able to find our luggage and change our clothes.
After arriving home we went to Fish Lake for the annual trip. I just love this picture of her.
We plan to return to Liberia someday. I know that it will be important for Jessica to go back. I am trying to find some ways to stay involved in humanitarian efforts there. (It's really tough to find an agency that is trustworthy.) I also have the goal to make Jessica's lifebook this summer. (Like a scrapbook, but about her adoption.)
Bev and Katie. They look like they could be sisters.
The gang playing our latest favorite game, "Scum." Andrew loves this game and is so happy to be old enough to play with the big kids and adults.
Alisa, Jessica and Katie at the campfire.
Mike, Bev and Kiki roasting marshmallows.
Mike's grandparents owned a membership to Camperworld. He grew up going there with them. Now his parents own the membership, so we use it a few times every year. We co-own a pop-up trailer with Sean and Julie. Having the trailer makes it really comfy camping.
Thanks to Julie for planning it and getting us all set up. We all had a wonderful time.